Hyster robotic lift trucks can give your operation the consistency and productivity gains of automation, but did you know they can help lower operating costs?

This FAQ answers common questions about the cost savings associated with robotics.
How can automation address labor challenges?
Robots provide consistent performance in repetitive applications prone to high employee turnover, helping provide relief from the constant cycle of hiring and training.
Are robotic Hyster lift trucks safe?
They adhere to the B56.5 safety standard and site-specific safety protocols. Robots sense both ground level and suspended items, such as a ladder hanging off a carrier.
Do Hyster robotic lift trucks replace humans?
Adding robotic lift trucks is more about replacing the cycle of hiring and training for repetitive, turnover-prone positions. While this may reduce headcount, employees can be reallocated to engaging, value-added tasks.
How long might it take to see a return on investment?
For multishift applications, some operations can achieve return on investment in less than two years.
How long do robotic lift trucks last?
In most cases, a robotic lift truck can last longer than a standard truck due to the abuse often associated with manual trucks. We currently have robots in the field that have lasted over five years.
How does the Hyster forklift navigate?
It uses the environment as a map, with LiDAR technology to self-locate and detect obstructions. No need to install targets, ground wires or reflectors or make other modifications – existing infrastructure is used to program and guide the truck.
Will the robot interface with my WMS or ERP?
Yes, the Robot Host Software communicates your WMS/ERP via standard or custom communication to follow business rules and protocols.
Can I adapt the robotic technology to an existing Hyster forklift?
No, robotic lift trucks are available for factory order only. They are not currently available as an aftermarket option to be installed in the field.
If a path change is needed, does Hyster need to make the adjustment?
For most changes, no. Alternative paths are built in during installation. However, major changes do require assistance.
How do robotic forklifts manage work, such as recognizing when docks need to be emptied?
Ground sensors and drive-by scanners report to the robot host software to dispatch robotic lift trucks within the proper zone.
What are the best scenarios for a Hyster robotic lift truck?
- Multiple shifts
- Repeatable paths
- Long runs
- Dedicated head count
What applications are not appropriate for robotic lift trucks?
- Outdoor environments
- Rough floors
- Environments less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit
- Facilities with walls, rack and building columns blocked by stacked loads
- Ramps greater than 4 degrees
What type of surface and grade is best for a robotic lift truck?
- Flat, free of bumps
- No light reflection
- No macadam or vinyl (due to static energy)
How many units are needed to justify the system?
The system is fully scalable. An application can start with one unit and then expand as desired.
Do I need perfect pallets?
No, but robotic lift trucks require Grade A pallets or those that meet quality standards including no broken boards and no damaged or replaced stringers.

Hyster Robotic End Rider requires a minimum weight of 600 pounds, though please note, there are ways to handle lighter pallets.
Can I lease a robotic lift truck?
Yes. Finance and leasing arrangements are available.
What is the lead time?
26-36 weeks after purchase
How long does integration take?
Two weeks to more than nine months, depending on the number of trucks, type of application and site complexity.
Do I need to monitor robotic Hyster lift trucks during operation?
They are fully autonomous when performing programmed tasks, but a fleet does require a floor supervisor. Typically, one supervisor can monitor a fleet of 10-20 robots, depending on specific application and customer needs.
Who can provide service for Hyster robotic forklifts?
Any certified Hyster® dealer. All Hyster robotic lift trucks are purchased with standard class III warranty, which covers both the basic lift truck and robotic components. An Extended Protection Plan can extend the warranty up to 5 years or 10,000 hours, whichever comes first.
How does the truck switch from automated to manual mode?
The operator can either push a button, step on the truck platform or pull down the tiller.
Can robotic lift trucks pass each other in the aisle?
Yes, but there are safety clearances set by B56.5.
How long does a fully charged battery last and what happens when the battery gets low?
Like a manual lift truck, the battery life and charge for a robotic lift truck depends on the type of battery and manufacturer. Hyster robotic lift trucks can be programmed to recharge based on a predetermined state of charge. The robot sounds a horn, triggers an alert and completes the current task before automatically going to a battery room. Or, robots can be programmed to return to the charging room at a specific time of day.
Hyster also offers autonomous charging for robotic lift trucks. When the robot is triggered to recharge, it will complete its current task and go to an auto-charging station, no human interaction required to facilitate.
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